Second Dragon - Mount the Arm

Arm. Spacers. Monitor. Screws. Previous experience. Ready. How hard could it be?

The arm has two segments that join at a pivot, which gives it lots of positioning degrees of freedom. This also makes it awkward to control while attaching the VESA mount to the monitor. Positioning the spacers over the mount holes on the monitor, then the VESA mount over the spacers, then getting the screws started was a bit clumsy. I did it before with the other monitors, just a few trial and error attempts...

(OK, I re-created this picture after the fact. You get the idea - spacers positioned over screw holes.)

I got the first screw started, but while struggling a little with the second screw, I knocked over one of the spacer stacks. Sigh. Undo the first one, start over. 

But I can't find the 5mm spacer that got knocked off. That's weird. I start looking all over, wtf? Where is this stupid spacer. Then I looked again at the cutout on the back of the monitor.

I noticed those slots, which weren't present on the smaller monitors. Those slots aren't big enough for a spacer, are they?

I picked up the monitor, tilted it to one side, and heard the unmistakable sound of a spacer rattling around inside the monitor. And it dawns on me...